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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Discussion session on the message of al-Nahsaster to researcher Noha Mehran Mohammed in the…
Amendments to the lecture schedule of the Department of Antiquities third and fourth Egyptian…
Amendments to the lecture schedule of the Department of Antiquities Rabaa Islamic Antiquities
Amendments to the lecture schedule of the Department of Antiquities first and second Egyptian relics
Inauguration ceremony of the College Students' Union Monday, March 2, 2020
The first camp of the Students' Union of the Faculty of Arts under the title of Conscious Youth
The date of the inauguration ceremony of the student union of the college and the annual festival…
The Dean of the Faculty congratulates the college on the first status of environmental excellence
Second semester schedule Arabic language section
Second semester lecture schedule, documents and libraries section
Second semester lecture schedule, history department.
Second semester lecture schedule, French language department