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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Assiut University announces the start of two undergraduate programs in theatrical studies, and map…
Faculty of Arts mourns A.D. Manal Mohamed Abdel Nasser, head of english
Master's and Master's course schedules for certified hours of translation
Condolences due to Professor Dr. Sameh Al-Banna for the death of his father's mother
Assiut University reveals the terms of acceptance for accommodating expatriate students in its…
Assiut University reveals the terms of acceptance for accommodating expatriate students in its…
Universities: attendance 3 days in the new year, 50 students for practical colleges and 100 for "…
Important announcement
Important alert for new students
The President of Assiut University opens the Theater of the Faculty of Arts after its...
University president announces continued work on the decision to reduce workers until August 31
University President opens new theater at Faculty of Arts