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Events of the closing ceremony of The International Day of The Arabic Language between the corridors of Assiut University

Written by: Dr. Hind Hassanein
Under the auspices of Dr. Tarek Al Jamal, President of Assiut University, Assiut University witnessed the closing ceremony of the University's celebration of The International Day of the Arabic Language, organized by the education and student affairs sectors, community service and environmental development, in cooperation with the Center for Arabic Language, in the presence of Dr. Shehata Gharib, Vice President of the University for Education and Students Affairs, Dr. Maha Ghanem, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Sheikh Assem Qubisi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments in Assiut, and Deputy Dr. Mohammed Ghanem, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development. Juma, Minister of Endowments, Dr. Magdi Alwan, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Mohammed Al Tayeb, Director of the Center, Dr. Asma Abdul Rahman, Advisor on Cultural Activity and General Supervisor of the Organization of the Celebration, Sheikh Sayed Abdul Aziz, Secretary General of the Egyptian Family House and a group of deans and agents of colleges, faculty members, members of the High Committee for Student Activities and representatives of the Ministry of Endowments and the Egyptian Family House, education and with the participation of university students from various colleges.