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عدد الأخبار: 1459
Calls for care management Sheyyab college students to participate in the competition held by the scientific General Administration of Youth Welfare League areas include scientific information - …
Modification date of the Second World Congress: information and communication technology in the service of people with disabilitiesand learning difficulties in Kuwait 
Faculty of Arts will hold a session to discuss thesis submitted by the researcher Isra Hazem Hassan Sharifdemonistartor Department of Philosophy, entitled Ibn Rushd speaking, on 04/13/2014 at 10:00 …
Department of Psychology, will hold the meeting of theSection on 04/14/2014 9:00 pm at the headquarters of the department.
Hold the Department of Psychology Seminar SpecialScientific female student Hanan Ahmed Mohammed under the title indicative of the effectiveness of the programRational Emotive to reduce intolerance …
Hold the Psychology Department of Scientific Seminar the student Yasmin Yusuf sedeek under the title of political violence and some personality traits in a sample of fanaticsand non-fanatics of …
Hold the Department of Psychology Seminar SpecialScientific female student Marwa Abdel Halim Ahmed titleddependent on the difference between a banjo anddependent on volatile solvents in some personal…
Hold the Department of Psychology Seminar scientificstudent's Abdul Salam Yahia Said elshaaery Yemeninationality under the title of some psychological variablesand demographic Latte predicts the…
Meeting will be held for students of the field study for students ofthe Department of Geography and GIS Day Saturday, 12.04.2014at 1:30 pm 6 Hall Complex
Center intends to Arabic college courses in the following disciplines: - Special and rhyme - Grammar - Editing rules and dictation In the period from Tuesday, 15/04/2014 until Monday, 05/05/2014 For…
Philosophy, scientific Seminar for researcher HebaMohamed Mohamed Autefi intitle theory logic cloudy forLotfi Zadeh
student Sarah Yusuf Ahmed under the title Robert Kortosbetween Crusader duty and the right to the throne,England (1054 - 1134 AD) and the U Sunday, 13/04/2013at