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عدد الأخبار: 1459
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on theappointment of Dr. Ziauddin Haider Abdul Hakim, a teacher assistantin the Department of Philosophy faculty job as a teacher …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on the appointment of Kamal Marwa researcher at the Department of Sociology at the job as a teacher assistant specialty meeting …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on LoanProf. Dr.Elsayed Kamal Al-Risha, head of the psychology departmentto work at the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the Middle Kingdom of…
 And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on therenewal Loan Dr hussam on the integrity of the Department of Mediateacher for a year to work the seventh, Ajman University of Science…
Renewal seconded by Dr. Ali Ahmed Mamdouh   And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on therenewal Loan Mamdouh Ali Ahmed Teacher at English Department  to work at the Faculty of …
And approved by the Faculty Council at its 211 t do to renew theLoan Dr Amani Hussein Mohamed Hassan, Department of Geography teacher for a fourth year to work Pkah Arts, University ofKing Faisal of…
And approved by the College Board in six No. 211 on the renewalLoan Dr Abdul Hamid Mahmoud Mohamed Nada teacherDepartment of Libraries for the sixth year to work at King Faisal University in Saudi…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on theaddress of Prof. Dr. Vice Rector for Graduate Studies on the proposal to the Department of Arabic need to hold a session in the Arabic…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on the transfer of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Rashad Mohammed Sabri, a professor of Islamic studies, such as the ethics of Qena to the degree of …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on therenewal of the special license to Dr. Mai Abdul Ghaffar uniqueteacher department of French college for another year on a scientific…
approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on the adoption of the topics included in the speech of Dr.  manager of quality unit: - The organizational structure of the College - Self…
  Honor and information services unit, inviting faculty members and their assistants and graduate students to attend the workshop forthe definition of the services Google Google Scholar own …