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عدد الأخبار: 1459
  Held at the Faculty of Arts, Assiut University session to discuss doctoral submitted by the researcher / India Ashraf Abbas message section meeting will be held on Thursday, 26/5/…
Held at the Faculty of Arts, Assiut University session to discuss the thesis submitted by the researcher / Zainab Mohammed Hisham Salem Hassan Libraries Department, a message will be held on Thursday…
Geography Department held a scientific seminar to register PhD Yemeni scholar Abdullah hungry in the subject address the economic structure of the population in Hadramout study at the geography of…
Advanced Prof. Dean of the College sincere congratulations to Professor Dr Mohamed El-Sayed Mohammed Abu Rihab to choose the sovereignty of a member of the Advisory Committee for the magazine rights…
The committee approved cultural relations on the presence of d / Dina Ali Ezzat Abdel-Rahman, the Sixth International Conference Sixty "community studies and social problems" at the University of…
The committee approved on cultural relationsCultural and scientific cooperation between the states of Egypt and Norway through the revitalization of student exchange programs and get scholarships
The committee approved graduateGranting student / Mohammed Ali Abdellah Mohammed degree Almajsterfi Arts / date of specialization (modern and contemporary history) on the subject of its title: the…
The committee approved postgraduate grants:  Student / Ahmed Abdel Hafez Abdel friend Alhafezdrjhalmajstar Arts / date / Industry (History of Islam) on the subject of its title:"Khawarij Sajestan in…
The committee approved graduateGranting student / Zainab Mohammed Hisham Salem HassanMaster of Arts / Library and Information / specialization (IT) on the subject of its title:"Presidential libraries…
The committee approved graduateStudent / Mustafa Abdel Kareem Abdul Salam awarded Master of Arts / Arabic Language / Industry (Islamic Studies) on the subject of its title:"Views of Imam Tirmidhi…
The committee approved graduate student grant / Ahmed Fathi Yusuf Ahmed Master of Arts / Arabic Language / Industry (Islamic Studies) on the subject of its title:"Jurisprudence of priorities when Ezz…
Department Council approved Psychology Master's thesis submitted by the student Safaa Ali Abdel Moneim Abdel Wahed record