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عدد الأخبار: 1459
Department Council approved the soul to form a committee discussion and judgment on the thesis submitted by the student / Marwa Abdel Halim Ahmed Ali (from abroad) in Arts / Psychology /…
Master of the researcher / narrator lifted Abbas as the sixth as of 19.12.2017Department Council approved psychology at the request of the D / Mr. Kamal feather it extended recording masters of the…
Council of the Department of Psychology and approved the request from a professor / Shaimaa Ibrahim by God and that about attending a training session under the title (test Calcr for children) in…
Department Council approved psychology at the request of the request from the D / Ahmed Mohammed Darwish and that his presence at the Fourth Annual Regional Conference of Psychiatry Integrative (…
Council of the psychology department approves the request from the request by the D / Magdy Mohamed Mahmoud decoration and that his presence at the Fourth Annual Regional Conference of Psychiatry…
Council of the Department of Psychology and agreed to adopt a list of Graduate Studies, Department of Psychology (diploma qualifying - vocational diploma - private - Diploma Master-Doctorate)
Advanced Prof. Dean of the College sincere congratulations to Dr. / Mustafa Fawaz friend Department of Philosophy, on the occasion of their sovereignty for a doctoral degree in philosophy and wished…
Advanced Prof. Dean of the College sincere congratulations to Professor / immortality Abdul Qader Ahmed Department Alatharbmnasph sovereignty for the degree Almajstervy Islamic relics wishing to…
The Board of the English Department to grant researcher / Hani Abu al-Qasim Muhammad Master of Arts / English Language / Literature Mgarneptkadir excellent year under the title ((Robert O.hanlen…
The Board of the English Department to grant researcher / names of Muhammad Ali Qasim Master of Arts / English Language / Drama grade Excellent under the title (the diversity of artistic styles in…
The Council of Antiquities Department to extend the period of supervision of the master's thesis for the student Amal Mohamed Emara and subject matter (the manifestations of progress in the behavior…
The Council of Antiquities Department to extend the period of supervision of the master's own the student / Najla Abdurrahman Mohamed message and theme (jurisprudence commercial facilities building…