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عدد الأخبار: 1459
The committee approved the invitation of cultural relations at the University of Silesea Poland to Dr. Ashraf Syed Mustafa Abul Fotouh, assistant professor, Department of Geography to give lectures…
The committee approved cultural relations Ali vacation sabbatical for a year to Professor Dr Ahmed bin Ahmed Bataya professor of ancient Near Eastern Archaeology Department of the University of Aden…
The College Board approved the request from Sarah Mohamed Ahmed Sholkamy gastrula Department of English, Faculty of Arts, University of Minya to be transferred to the Faculty of Arts, University of…
The College Board approved the request of Mustafa Kamal Abdel located holiday restorer, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Damietta transferred to the Faculty of Arts, University…
approved by the College Board to grant the student Rahila Hussain Nasser Amir Yemeni nationality Doctorate degree in Arts Psychology Educational Psychology in the subject title relationship styles…
  And approved by the College Board to grant the student Fathya Mosaaed Yosr Abdullah Yemeni nationality Doctorate degree in Arts Psychology Specialization measure myself / private classes on the…
And approved by the College Board to grant the student Azza Ahmed Khairy Master of Arts degree psychology specialty mental health Feith Multi entitled intelligence and mental health and some social…
And approved by the College Board to grant the student Dalia Talaat Fred Solomon Master of Arts Psychology Specialization Social Psychology in the subject title of effective communication and its…
Plans to the Department of Geography and GIS college training course in the field of geographic information systems in the period from September 30 to 28, 2014 and who wish to attend …
Council agreed to grant college student Ahmed Mohamed IbrahimManna Master of Arts in Psychology Specialization special categoriesin the subject title and needs some psychological problems in children…
The committee approved Graduate Studies and Research on therecommendation to grant the student Tariq Fathi Sha'ban Doctorate degree in Arts libraries specialty libraries and information on the…
The committee approved Graduate Studies and Research on therecommendation to grant the student Hashim Zaidan Gad LordDoctorate degree in Arts Specialization meeting of political sociologyin the…