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عدد الأخبار: 1459
The Board of the Department of History at the post Dr. Doaa Salah Osman Riad in the activities of the Seventh International Conference at the University of the Suez Canal under the title of Egypt and…
Council approved the Department of Psychology at the nomination of Dr. Ahmed Kamal Bahnasawi Award Prof. Solomon sad for excellence specialty of Arts for the academic year 2015
Council approved the Department of Psychology at the post, Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abdel Wahab Bahnasawi research in the seventh international scientific symposium entitled society and security around social…
Council approved the Department of Psychology at the opening service Diploma in Psychological year for the academic year 2015-2016, Department of Psychology
Held today Sunday, 03/08/2015 Alhaday promptly at ten in the morning and the Executive Management Team meeting for developing the students' exams and calendar systems and the Hall of the Faculty…
Seminar held Sociology Department of the scientific Tallbh Marwa Ali Kamal Hassan teacher assistant department to study the research for the study of folklore and its impact on the patterns of…
Held on Monday, 03/09/2015 Council Department of Oriental Languages at eleven thirty in the morning the Office of the Department of Oriental Languages
Seminar held Oriental Languages Department to register for a master's degree student, Mahmoud Abdel Basset Mohamed Abdel Rahman repeater section under the title reckoning when Apt Vacodh Jpiroll and…
Announces unit students and examinations calendar altogether for a workshop titled training on the control -mail program within the activities of the development of students and examinations calendar…
Honor the Department of Geography and Information Systems Aljgervaah invite you to attend a lecture on the geographic dimensions of the phenomenon of crime in Assiut Governorate Ahadharha Prof.…
  Under the auspices of Prof. President of the University, Prof. Dean of the College held a seminar and development of young people's media landscape and lectures by Dr. Mohammed Said…
  It decides to set up the end of the ceremony student activities for the year 2014-2015 for students with first centers at the university level on Asalasae 04/28/2015 runway Solomon sad…