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عدد الأخبار: 1459
  The Board of the English Department to form a committee discussion and judgment on the thesis submitted by the student / names of Muhammad Ali Qasim Arts / English Language / English Literature…
  The Board of the English Department to form a committee discussion and judgment on the thesis submitted by the student / Mohamed Ahmed Rana Sholkamy of Arts / English Language / English Literature…
State Board of Antiquities Department agreed to grant researcher / originated Hassan Jaber Master of Arts / effects -t_khass (Coptic arts) with a recommendation to print the message on the expense of…
Council of the Department of Psychology and agreed to grant the student / Suhaila Samir Mohammed Faraj Master of Arts / Psychology and the merits (emotional intelligence and its relationship to the…
  Held at the Faculty of Arts discuss the thesis submitted by the researcher / Ranim Ahmed Saber Mahmoud English Department message session and so entitled (re-definition and Wendy and Srstein for…
  Held at the Faculty of Arts to discuss doctoral submitted by the researcher / Noha Taha Marina soldier English Department message session and so entitled (political corruption as reflected in some…
  Held at the Faculty of Arts discuss the thesis submitted by the researcher / Yahya Ahmed Moawad, English Department, and that message session entitled (mythical elements in selected poems from…
  And so entitled (educational and health facilities remaining governorates of Aswan, Qena, from the late nineteenth century until the end of the rule of the family of Muhammad Ali. Archaeological…
The Faculty of Arts discuss the thesis submitted by the researcher / Hani Mohammed Ahmed Abu al-Qasim message English Language Department of the session and so entitled (Robert O.hanlen 1907-1988 /…
Held at the Faculty of Arts discuss the thesis submitted by the researcher / immortality Abdul Qader Ahmed message section traces session  And so entitled (inscriptions on religious buildings…
The Faculty of Arts discuss the thesis submitted by the researcher / message on the names of Mohammad Qasim English Department meeting and so entitled (diversity of artistic styles in selected plays…
Department Council approved psychology to grant the student / names Atef Ibrahim (Lecturer, Department of Psychology) Master of Arts / Psychology and the merits (after the use of muscle relaxation to…