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In the framework of cooperation between the University of Assiut and Dar El Tahrir was agreed to…
Released Issue 42 of the magazine shabab elgamaa and published by the media department at the…
Graduate students to attend on Monday, 24/03/2014 at 11 a hall. D. Izzat Abdullah college to…
Students on the third level semester to attend the first lecture of media and community issues on …
Students at Level IV semester to attend the first lecture of globalization and cultural identity …
Scientific conference of the French language department Held today Saturday, 03/29/2014 Annual…
Honor section libraries, documentation and information to invitefaculty members and their…
Department of Oriental Languages ​​honor to invite faculty membersand their assistants and students…
"Profession after graduation" Will be held on Wednesday, 16.04.2014 Thursday, 04.17.2014 at Hall d…
Sector organizes community service and development environment the college in conjunction with the …
Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Mohammed search to explain theplan to register for the degree of Master of…
Department of History Seminar held scientific studentOsama Ahmed Zain titled papal policy toward…