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And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on theappointment of Dr. Ziauddin Haider…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on the appointment of Kamal Marwa …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on LoanProf. Dr.Elsayed Kamal Al-Risha,…
 And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on therenewal Loan Dr hussam on the…
Renewal seconded by Dr. Ali Ahmed Mamdouh   And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. …
And approved by the Faculty Council at its 211 t do to renew theLoan Dr Amani Hussein Mohamed …
And approved by the College Board in six No. 211 on the renewalLoan Dr Abdul Hamid Mahmoud Mohamed…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on theaddress of Prof. Dr. Vice Rector for…
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on the transfer of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim …
And approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on therenewal of the special license to Dr…
approved by the College Board in its meeting No. 211 on the adoption of the topics included in the…
  Honor and information services unit, inviting faculty members and their assistants and graduate…