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# Title Department Research Year
748 التنمية الاقتصادية لمحمية بحيرة قارون بمحافظة الفيوم – دراسة جغرافية Geography 2004
749 On the Characterization of the Arabic Mutaawa’ah verbs”. In Mary Masoud, (ed.) New Readings of Old Masters: Recent Trends in Literature and Language, ( English language and literature 2004
750 the concept of cruelty in Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and a Delicate Balance English language and literature 2004
751 كتاب "البخلاء" للجاحظ بين التأريخ والتحليل النصي. Arabic language and literature 2004
752 The Syntax and Semantics of the Substance Removing Verbs in Arabic and English”. English language and literature 2003
753 النحو التحويلي للهجة العربية(العامية المصرية) Arabic language and literature 2003
754 The Mock Heroic Poem with special reference to the machinery in Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock". Published in, “The Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts”, volume 15, June 2003. English language and literature 2003
755 العقلانية المضمرة عند ميشيل بولانى Philosophy 2003
756 Unexpressed Object Alternations in English and Arabic”. English language and literature 2003