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Quality Assurance Unit

Quality Assurance Unit


To evaluate the university’s staff and scientific activities performance in the light of the local, regional, and international performance criteria to achieve a comprehensive quality and keep a continuous development. In addition, the unit aims at enhancing the level of competence and improve the competitiveness of our educational output. Therefore, the faculty of arts, AU will occupy a leading role among national and international universities.


The faculty aims at being one of the pioneering units in the field of quality assurance and the continuous development regarding education, research, and community service.


  1. To raise the quality assurance concepts among the faculty’s staff and their assistants and other administrative staff.
  2. To establish cooperative relations with the beneficiaries and society to enhance the performance and the services the faculty provides.
  3. To follow-up and evaluate the description and report of the faculty’s programs and curricula
  4. To conduct measurements and questionnaires on the students, faculty members, their assistants, and the administration as well as analyzing the results in order to improve the faculty’s performance.
  5. To develop a general policy for performance evaluation and quality assurance in the faculty.
  6. To ensure that academic standards are applied and linked to the programs offered by the faculty.
  7. To review of the faculty’s periodic strategic plan.

The Administrative hierarchy of the unit

Board of Directors:

Dean of the Faculty

Chairman of Board of Directors

Prof. Ahmed Saber Mahmoud

Full-time Professor of Psychology

(Unit Director)

Prof. Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mestkawi


Deputy director of the unit

Dr. Essam Adel Ahmed (Lecturer, Department of Geography)



(Professor and Head of the Department of Archeology)

Prof. Magdy Abdel-Gawad Alwan

(Professor and Head of the Department of Eastern Languages)

Prof. Khaled Mohamed Ibrahim Salama

(Assistant Professor at the Department of Archeology)

prof. Sameh Fekry Al Banna

(Lecturer at the Department of Information)

Dr. Magda Mohamed Abdel-Baqi

(Teacher at the English Language Department)

Dr. Sherine Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed

(Lecturer at the Department of Libraries)

Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Thabit

(Lecturer at the Department of History)

Dr. Nadia Mohamed Mohamed Kotb

(Teacher at the English department)

Dr. Marwa Mostafa Abdel-Muttalib

(Lecturer at the Department of Libraries)

Dr. Ola Ramadan Abdel Karim

(Lecturer at the Department of Psychology)

Dr. Hoda Antar Abd-Allah


Teaching staff assistants

(Assistant Lecturer at the Department of History)

Amani Muhammad Muhammad Qutb

(Assistant Lecturer at the  Department of Oriental Languages)

Mohamed Ahmed Saleh

(Teaching Assistant at the Department of Antiquities)

Ahmed Hassan Ahmed



Head of the students’ union at the Faculty

Abdul-Rahman Muhammad Maher

Students at the second year at the Media Department

Omnia Hussein Abdul-Qader


Experts from outside the university

Governorate Adviser for Social Affairs, giving and civil society organizations

Former vice for

the Ministry of Social Solidarity


Mr. Mustafa Ali Ali Abu Ghadeer

General Director of the Regional Union of civil society organizations/ Association Board Member of The Businessmen Organization


Mr. Kamal Al-Den Hussien Abdul-Qadr


Goals and competences:

The quality assurance unit is specialized at creating planning, evaluation, and following-up strategies for all the faculty’s activities in order to ensure a high-quality education, scientific research, environmental services, and administration. Therefore, the performance will be enhanced continuously. These competences are done through the following strategies:

  • Periodic review of the strategic plan and present them to an expert from the Strategic Planning Center at the university.
  • Coordinating with the university's Quality Assurance Center and other quality agencies inside and outside the University.
  •  Setting work mechanisms for all activities through the follow-up committees.
  •  Preparing a database of data and information necessary for the management and quality of the faculty.
  •  Applying questionnaires and measurement tools and analyze them to study their results.
  • Organizing and managing workshops, seminars, lectures, and conferences on quality work in addition to documenting and measuring its revenue statistically
  •  Following-up on the performance of the educational process in terms of descriptions and reports of programs and decisions made.
  • The college provides progress and works to continuously improve performance.
  • Organizing training programs according to the human resource needs and in the service of development processes.
  • Announcing the unit’s activities, in order to achieve the largest participation among faculty’s employees.
  •  Preparing the self-study strategies and the faculty’s annual report.

Tasks of the head of the unit:

The head of the unit follows up and implement the following policies and strategies:

  • To prepare business plans (strategic plans- implementation plan)
  • To follow up the completion of the work and ensure its conformity with the work plan and coordination among the unit's employees
  • To submit reports and present them to the Faculty Council and the relevant councils for approval and implementation of related issues to the quality assurance affairs
  • To represent the unit with regard to businesses, labor market, and other beneficiaries.
  1. Work and follow up strategies in the quality assurance and accreditation unit:
  2. To follow up the work performance and ensure its quality in different departments of the faculty, the unit holds up a monthly conferences on the second Sunday of the month.
  3. The professor head of the unit reviews the topics and reports submitted by the previously mentioned committees to the board of directors, and the decision is made after discussion.
  4. The board of directors charge a team to implement and follow up at the same session provided that. Provided that the submission date of a report on the results of the activities conducted according to what the topic requires.
  5. The Board of Directors shall notify the relevant councils of the faculty of the results of any related activity, and then submit all the reports to the Faculty’s Board.
  6. The Board of Directors of the unit shall set the appropriate policies to develop and improve performance in various activities.
  7. Study and solve any problems that hinder work and performance of the faculty’s departments and form the executive team.
  8. The Chairman of the Student, Quality Education, and Programs Committee shall form a committee consisting of members of the quality assurance.
  9. The professor director of the unit presents and discusses all the work of The Quality Assurance Unit and its subcommittees are on the Faculty Board to be briefed and approved.
  10. All data and reports are used on preparing the self-study strategies and the annual report.
  11. The amendment and its duration is documented, announced, and notified by the College Council.

The unit’s achievements:

The most important achievements of the faculty in the field of quality assurance for the academic year 2014/2016:

  1. Spreading the culture of developing student evaluation systems and exams.
  • Designing, distributing, and advertising for Brochures.
  • Designing banners and publishing them inside the faculty.
  • Designing a website for the project on the faculty’s page.
  • Holding a seminar in the faculty to spread the evaluation culture 8/3/2015.
  1.  Establishing a unit for student evaluation and exams in the faculty:
  • In 2014, the Student Evaluation and Examinations Unit at the Faculty of Arts, Assiut University was established based on the decision of the College Council No. (500) on 22/4/2014 as an administrative entity concerned with developing student evaluation systems and exams within the faculty.
  • A proposed plan has been made for the Student Evaluation and Examinations Unit
  • The question bank room was established that consists of: the question bank training room, the administrative headquarters of the student evaluation unit and exams (devices - machines, equipment, etc.).
  • A student’s guide was made for the assessment and examination systems 2014/2015.
  • An ethical charter has been created for Calendars and Examination Systems 2014/2015.
  • A guide has been created for the teaching staff and the rules organizing the conduct of the exam process 2014/2015.
  1. Developing examination systems to achieve the intended educational outcomes (ILOS)
  • Formulating and distributing the standards and specifications of the examination paper to the academic departments of the faculty.
  • Distributing samples of the examination paper was to the scientific departments in the college.
  • Creating a general guidance on the methods used in measuring student skills.
  • Training the students on the developed examination paper.
  • Identifying the skills that the job market needs from faculty graduates by the beneficiaries.
  • Forming a committee from each section to evaluate the examination paper in terms of content.
  • Creating a report on the methods of measuring the skills of students with special needs of the faculty and adding development proposals.
  • The examination paper was evaluated in terms of form for the first semester and sent to the scientific departments, and the second was evaluated in terms of content by committees formed by the academic departments in the faculty.
  1. Setting effective policies and rules for the evaluation process.
  • Making a proposed plan for the conduct, approving, and announcing the examinations in the academic departments of the faculty.
  • Determining and approving the criteria of selecting the committee chairpersons, observers, control heads, and observing committee members.
  • Creating, approving, and announcing methods of performance evaluation.
  • Designing, applying, empting, and analyzing questionnaires for students' opinions on the educational process, then sending the results to the departments in order to take the corrective measures.
  • Providing accredited and publicized exam rules.
  1.  The development of evaluation systems to ensure the speed, accuracy, and transparency of the evaluation of the students and exams:
  • Providing electronic and activated control
  • Creating a plan for training the faculty members and their assistants on the approved and announced electronic control works.
  • A workshop was held on 2/2/5102 for the faculty members and their assistants in the electronic control program for.
  • Establishing an electronic activated correction unit affiliated with the student evaluation unit and exams in the faculty.
  • Providing an approved and announced training plan for the faculty members and their assistants.
  • Holding a training workshop on (electronic correction system) on 6/4/2015.
  1. Creating question banks for some courses with continuous development and modernization:
  • Establishing a question bank room and a room for training on question banks that include all the requirements (devices and equipment etc).
  • Defining the frame of reference for the question bank work management team in addition to setting them a work plan and timeframe.
  • Providing training materials to train the faculty members and their assistants on the chosen programs.
  • Providing a training plan to train faculty members and their assistants on certified and publicized question banks.
  • Determining a coordinator for each department after the approval of the department and the faculty council.
  • Holding a training course on (Question banks) 4/5/2015 for faculty members and their assistants.
  • Holding a training workshop on the (Question Banking Program System).
  • Contacting he departments with the requirements of the question banks (question bank vocabulary - identifying the types of questions that could be formulated (essay-objective)) to record the learning outcomes.
  • Creating a list of the names of the faculty members participating in the question banks (21) question banks.
  1. Reporting the appropriate feedback mechanisms for the student on their performance in the evaluation processes:
  • Announcing the results of the exams to the faculty students on the university's exam results site.
  • Creating a schedule for announcing the results and the evaluation is approved and announced.
  • Setting mechanisms to monitor the work of the controls and the extent of the commitment of the correctors of examination papers and deadlines.
  • Setting mechanisms and rules to announce results.
  • Providing reports for the academic decisions for the academic year.
  • Creating a complaints and follow-up mechanism and responding to it
  • Providing (7) Boxes to receive complaints and student comments to respond to them.
  1. Other activities
  • Providing statistics of the electronically corrected materials
  • Providing samples to calculate ease and difficulty.
  • Providing statistics on the results of the academic courses for the exams for all years in the academic departments of the faculty.
  • Providing samples from the results of the students’ questionnaire on the educational process.
  • Providing copies of evidence of modifying some of the students ’grades for the first semester 2014/2015
  • Printing 51 copies of the examination program guide.
  • Printing (51) copies of the guide for preparing question banks in the universities.
  • Providing (2) copies of the good test guide.

Major achievements of the faculty in the field of quality insurance for the academic year 2016/2017

  1. Preparing various subjective and theoretical exams for most of the courses in the academic departments of the faculty for this year.
  2. Preparing electronic exams and activating the electronic correction.
  3. Forming work committees for standards in the Quality Assurance Unit.
  4. Preparing for the self-study and the strategic plan of the faculty.
  5. Starting the preparations to renew the faculty accreditation.

Major achievements of the faculty in the field of quality insurance for the academic year 2017/2018.

  1. Participating in preparing the university to obtain the accreditation.
  2. Updating the manual of the Quality Assurance Unit.
  3. Providing a guide for the faculty’s quality assurance unit.
  4. Starting the system of electronic examinations within the initiative the President of the Republic and The Measurement and Evaluation Center in the Projects Department of the Ministry of Higher Education.
  5. Preceding the electronic correction of the subjective exams of the bachelor degree and English translation and open education program.
  6. Developing and updating the scientific journal of the faculty.
  7. Issuing a specialized and refereed scientific journal in the Islamic Studies Department
  8. Participation and obtaining advanced positions in student activities at the level of Assiut University and Egyptian universities.
  9. Many faculty members and their assistants participated in external and internal conferences
  10. Some faculty programs are being submitted for this year 2018/2019.

Forms of the quality assurance and accreditation unit

Guiding models for the quantitative evaluation of the institution's financial facilities form_3.pdf

Indicative models for the qualitative evaluation of the educational process outputs form_4.pdf

Forms of the evaluation and review process. form_5.pdf

Models for self-evaluation and self-study. form_6.pdf

External Audit Report Form (Third Edition) form_7.pdf

Study report template. form_17.pdf

Course report template. form_18.pdf

Study Program Description Form. form_19.pdf

Course description template. form_20.pdf

Forms of quality assurance and accreditation unit

The National Standards for the Literature Sector, 2009 form_8.pdf

Standards of postgraduate programs. form_9.pdf

Instruction Manual of the Educational Programs. form_10.pdf

Space and Human Resources Directory form_11.pd