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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
111 Optimizing Regression Models for Predicting Noise Pollution Caused by Road Traffic قسم الهندسة المعمارية 2023
112 ANSYS-Fluent numerical modeling of the solar thermal and hybrid photovoltaic-based solar harvesting systems قسم هندسة القوى الميكانيكية 2023
113 Dual‐stage day‐ahead optimized performance of renewable‐based microgrids الهندسة الكهربائية 2023
114 Integration of Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Induced Polarization for Characterization and Mapping of (Pb-Zn-Ag) Sulfide Deposits قسم هندسة التعدين و الفلزات 2023
115 Lightweight image super-resolution based on deep learning: State-of-the-art and future directions الهندسة الكهربائية 2023
116 Deep and shallow fast embedded capsule networks: going faster with capsules الهندسة الكهربائية 2023
117 Realistic Computational Modeling of Biothermal Effects Inside Human Head Exposed to Mobile Phone Radiation قسم هندسة القوى الميكانيكية 2023
118 Fault identification and classification algorithm for high voltage transmission lines based on a fuzzy-neuro-fuzzy approach الهندسة الكهربائية 2023
119 Data-driven spectrum allocation and power control for NOMA HetNets الهندسة الكهربائية 2023
120 Ignition delay times of C1–C7 natural gas blends in the intermediate and high temperature regimes: Experiment and correlation قسم هندسة القوى الميكانيكية 2023