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رقم الفاكس
البريد الالكتروني:
البريد الالكتروني MIS
رقم الموبايل
رقم المكتب
N/A - 031738
رابط الباحث العلمي لجوجل

بكالوريوس هندسة التعدين والفلزات 1985

ماجيسير مساحة المناجم 1991

دكتوراة هندسة البيئة والمياه الجوفية - 2001

استاذ مساعد 2008

أستاذ مساعد كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 2008
مدرس كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 2001
مدرس مساعد كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 1991
معيد كلية الهندسة , جامعة اسيوط , 1986

الجمعيات العلمية و النقابات :

  • A member of Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers (membership # 10593/4);
  • A member of “Consulting Centre of Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University”.
  • A member of IWA “International Water Association”.
  • A member of “The Arab Mining & Petroleum Association”.
  • A member of the “Committee of Mining Deposits Research”, part of the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research, Cairo, Egypt, (from October 2004 – till now).
  • Section Editor in Springer-Verlag GmbH, “North Africa and Middle East: Mineral Policy section” Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy. 2013
  • Member of the Editorial Board, “Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science” International Journal, (from Sept. 2013-till now).
  • Member of the Editorial Board, “Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences” Majmaah University, KSA, (from July, 2013-2015).
  • Member of “Planning and Follow up Committee” Majmaah University, (Nov. 2013- till now).
  • Member of “Development of Scientific Programs Committee” Majmaah University, (Feb. 2014 – till now).
  • Reviewer of:
    • “Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science”, (WROS).
    • “International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy”, (IJEPP).
    • “American Journal of Environmental Protection”, (AJEP).
    • “International Journal for Research & Development in Technology”, (IJRT).
    • “International Journal of Environmental Monitoring & Analysis”, (IJEMA).
    • “International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology”, (IJEST).
    • “Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends”, (JAET).

المشاريع البحثية