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البريد الالكتروني:
البريد الالكتروني MIS
رقم الموبايل
رقم المكتب
- 031761-031762
رابط الباحث العلمي لجوجل

ماجستير ﻒﻳ الهندسة الكهربائية (الكترونيات واتصالات) , كلية الهندسة جامعة اسيوط , 2015

بكالوريوس ﻒﻳ الهندسة الكهربائية (الكترونيات واتصالات) , كلية الهندسة جامعة أسيوط , 2011
مدرس مساعد كلية الهندسة , جامعة أسيوط , 2015
معيد كلية الهندسة , جامعة أسيوط , 2011
# عنوان البحث Research Year
1 A New Approach for EEG-Based Biometric Authentication Using Auditory Stimulation 2019
2 Improving Eye Movement Biometrics Using Remote Registration of Eye Blinking Patterns 2019
3 Evaluation of PPG biometrics for authentication in different states 2018
4 Human recognition using transient auditory evoked potentials: a preliminary study 2018
5 Eye blinking EOG signals as biometrics 2017
6 Biometrics from heart sounds: Evaluation of a new approach based on wavelet packet cepstral features using HSCT-11 database
7 Biometrics from heart sounds: Evaluation of a new approach based on wavelet packet cepstral features using HSCT-11 database 2016
8 Heart-ID: human identity recognition using heart sounds based on modifying mel-frequency cepstral features 2016
9 Heart-ID: Human identity recognition using heart sounds based on modifying mel-frequency cepstral features
10 A Novel Biometric Approach for Human Identification and Verification Using Eye Blinking Signal 2015
11 State-of-the-art methods and future perspectives for personal recognition based on electroencephalogram signals 2015
12 A New EEG Acquisition Protocol for Biometric Identification Using Eye Blinking Signals 2015
13 A comparative approach between cepstral features for human authentication using heart sounds 2015
14 A new multi-level approach to EEG based human authentication using eye blinking 2015
15 A new biometric authentication system using heart sounds based on wavelet packet features 2015
16 Biometric authentication based on PCG and ECG signals: present status and future directions 2014
17 PCG biometric identification system based on feature level fusion using canonical correlation analysis 2014
18 A New Biometric Modality for Human Authentication Using Eye Blinking 2014

الجمعيات العلمية و النقابات :

المشاريع البحثية