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For updating the data of the faculty members on the university website-Mining and Metals…
For updating the data of the faculty members on the University site-Department of Mechanical…
Congratulations from the College of Engineering to the winning students in the model cabinet…
College of Engineering participates in the Model cabinet simulation competition at the university…
Summary of activities carried out for the community service sector and environmental Affairs…
Ministry of Higher Education and scientific Research announces the opening of the job to fill the…
Holding the Ordinary General Assembly of the Egyptian Society of Engineers on 21/4/2019
Launch of the UNESCO Science Report around 2030 in Arabic
Cultural Relations AffairsConferences.1- The Board of Civil Engineering and Cultural Relations…
 Graduate Studies and Research: First: Grants.1. The Board presented the collective report and the…
Faculty Affairs- The Board presented the recommendation of the Civil Engineering Department Council…