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King Faisal University represented by the National Center for Talent and Creativity Research…
Professor Abo Bakr Ali Muhammad Nasr would like to invite you to the wedding party of his son Dr/…
The dean of the faculty professor Muhammad Abo El-Kassem recieved a letter from the romanian…
The head of the national agency of sinai peninsula asked the head of assiut university to send him…
The Technical Dictionary ARABTERM.ORG is a joint publication of the Arab League Educational,…
The president of assiut university sent a letter to the dean of the faculty informing him that…
The ITunit announces that the Information and Technology E-course is now available. Registered…
The Politecnico di Torino university is offering scholarships in its 29th cycle.Public competitive…
The university is organizaing a welcoming ceremony for the new students 2013-2014  on sunday 10-11-…
The faculty asks the faculty members to inform their students with the terms and conditions to…
The faculty of engineering recieved a bulletin from the Egyptian general intelligence to warn…
The National Research Centre in Egypt in cooperation with the Egyptian Russian University (ERU) and…