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Committee on Cultural Relations and the most important decisions in session No. 1071

1. The Board was presented with the approval of the Board of the mechanical Engineering Section for the presence of Mr. Dr./Mahmoud Heshmat Ahmed Abdul Ghaffar, Department of the Conference  "Third International North America in Industrial engineering and Operations management Washington, United States of America "3rd North American Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Washington DC, USA, Sep 27-29 -2018, to be held in Washington, United States of America, from 27 to 29 September 2018. The University shall bear the expenses of travel according to the rules governing the attendance External conferences.                      Decision: Council approved 2. The Council agreed to the approval of the Council of Architectural Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations to re-establish the Committee of the Ninth International Conference on Architecture and Urbanism in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University.  "attached to the composition ".Decision: The Council agreed21. The Board was presented with the approval of the Board of the mechanical Engineering Section on the nomination of engineer/Abdulrahman Sayed Shehata-the Department assistant for the postgraduate program for Egyptian professionals where the conditions apply for a training grant for one semester  "Maximum of four months" in the United States The American is also registered for a Masters degree in the department.           Decision: the Council approved.