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Faculty Council Decision No. 1067 of March for the Affairs of Cultural Relations

Cultural relations affairs 1. The Board of Directors of the Civil Engineering Department and the Committee on Cultural Relations agreed to the presence of Dr. Amr Abu Bakr Ali, the teacher in the section, "Sixteenth Conference of Plumers in Concrete" held from April 29 to May 1, 2018 in Washington, DC, at the University's expense. Resolution: Approved by the Council   2. The Board of Directors of the Architectural Engineering and Cultural Relations Committee approved the attendance of Dr. Salwa Abdel-Rahman Mujahid, Assistant Professor of the Department of Green Heritage at the British University in Al-Shorouk City, which was held from 6-8 / 3/2018. Its sovereignty is published and the University shall bear the registration fees, travel expenses and travel allowance. Resolution: Approved by the Council   3. The Board of Directors of the Architectural Engineering and Cultural Relations Committee agreed to the presence of Mr. Abdel Muntaleb Mohamed Ali, Mr. Ahmed Helal Mohamed and Mr. Esam El Din Mohamed Ali, The ninth of development and the environment in the Arab world, "which is scheduled to be held in Assiut University from 15-17 / 4/2018 as listeners without research and that the university will bear all subscription fees. Resolution: Approved by the Council  4 - The Board presented the approval of the Council of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations to the presence of Mr. / Ahmed Hamza Husseini Ali - Professor section - Conference "Applied Research in Energy, Environment and Development" to be held in Ismailia from 20-22 / 3 / 2018 to offer a presentation on solar air conditioning, provided that the University does not bear any expenses. Resolution: Approved by the Council  5. The Board of Directors of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations agreed to the presence of Mr. AHMED HAMZA HUSSEINI ALI on the conference "From Research to Application in Renewable Energy, Water and Climate Security in Africa", which will be held in Tlemcen, From 16-18 / 4/2018, which is based on the invitation sent by e-mail. Resolution: Approved by the Council 6- The Board of Directors of the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations agreed to the presence of Mr. Mohammad Maher Soliman, Assistant Lecturer in the Department, the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering, which was held from 19-21 / 2/2018 in Aswan. It is acceptable for the Conference to bear the expenses of travel, residence and registration at the Conference. Resolution: Approved by the Council 7. The Board of Directors of the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations approved the attendance of Dr. / Osama Mohamed Harraz, Assistant Professor in the Department, "The National Conference of Radio Science" as a listener, which will be held from 20-22 / 3/2018 in Cairo. No expenses. Resolution: Approved by the Council  8. The Board of Directors of the Electrical Engineering and Cultural Relations Committee agreed to the request submitted by Mr. Dr. Tarek Ibrahim Huwail regarding the contribution of the University to scientific conferences on the basis of the actual costs of travel, registration and residence, (As recommended by the Committee on Cultural Relations that the University shall bear the travel tickets and the participation of the Conference, provided that a lump sum is determined for the residence and pension according to the country in which the conference was held). Resolution: Approved by the Council   9- The Board of Directors of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations agreed to the presence of Dr. / Yasser Mahmoud Abdel-Rahman Al-Morser in the section- "International Conference for Engineering and Materials Science" to be held in Alexandria from 11-13 / 3/2018. University Any expenses. Resolution: Approved by the Council - The Board of Directors of the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Committee on Cultural Relations approved the assignment of Mr. / Mr. Essam Mohammed Khaled to the Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology in Sohag to serve as Dean of the Institute for a year starting from the next academic year 2018/2019.Resolution: Approved by the Council  4. The Council presented to the Council the approval of the Council of Civil Engineering and Cultural Relations Committee on the travel of Mr. / Jamal Abu Zeid Abdul Rahim - Professor of the Department - Republic of South Korea from 22-29 / 4/2018 in the context of the invitation to the sovereignty of the Government Korean. Resolution: Approved by the Council