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Seminar on the research tools available from the Ambassador through the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

The community service and environmental development Sector of Assiut University in general and the community service and environmental development Sector of the Faculty of Engineering, in particular, continue to cooperate with the study sector and research contributions to the college and its positive roles in the dissemination of a culture of research awareness among all faculty members within the mechanism The synergy between the Faculty of Engineering and civil society institutions and the service and any of the exponent Mr. Nubi Mohamed Hasan-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Mr. Alas hurt Dr. Abdulmandial Mohamed Ali – Vice dean for Community service and environmental development and acting Vice dean for studies affairs and research, where the symposium was held on Sunday, 4/3/2018, at 12 p.m. on the runway. Dr. Abdel Moneim Hasan Kamel in the Department of Architecture he was lectured by Mr. Eng. Ahmed Samihelmy Africe/Manager Solutions geoscience&engineering and attended by a few gentlemen Faculty members, repeaters, engineers and graduates