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A Technical Dictionary with four languages (Arabic-English- German-French)

The Technical Dictionary ARABTERM.ORG is a joint publication of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It was developed as part of a regional project financed by BMZ that the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been carrying out since 2008 in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut. It is an independent project based on the measures for standardising technical Arabic terminology, which are being led by the Arabisation Coordination Bureau (BCA) in Rabat on behalf of ALECSO. These standardisation measures are governed by the decisions made at the General Conferences on Arabisation, organised and held regularly by ALECSO, and attended by language academies and education ministers from Arab League member states. These measures also have been reflected in the 'standardised dictionary' published by ALECSO. In ARABTERM, an asterisk marks each entry that has already undergone this Arabisation process. The Technical Dictionary ARABTERM, organised per industry sector, provides a generally accessible reference for the consistent translation of textbooks, curricula, technical manuals and other specialised texts. The first volume on automotive engineering was released in May 2010 and is available on this website to all users free of charge. Additional volumes will be added successively. Users are encouraged to actively contribute to the dictionary. An interactive discussion forum offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas on linguistic problem areas in the various disciplines, as well as suggest new terms or more detailed definitions. These discussions and suggestions will provide the basis for an annual revision of the databank conducted by the Arab-German expert groups. The dictionary is available on this link:www.Arabterm.Org