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Postdoc Opportunities in Germany

The German Science Centre in Cairo (DWZ) organizes the Event “Postdoc Opportunities in Germany” for outstanding Egyptian postdoctoral researchers on 3 December 2014. The event will be hosted by the German Science Centre and seven of its partner institutes. The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation will present their fellowship opportunities for Postdocs, while Freie Universitنt Berlin, Philipps-Universitنt Marburg, Technische Universitنt Berlin, Technische Universitنt München and Orient-Institut Beirut will give an overview of the research opportunities for Postdoctoral  fellows at their institutions.Please find below the registration from. Registration is mandatory until 23 November 2014.We would like to invite you to join the event and encourage you to forward this message to interested postdoc researchers.