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# Title Department Research Year
7901 تكاليف الاستهلاكات لتشغيل المركبات على الطر ق في مصر Civil Engineering Department 1980
7902 Selective Constant Delay Filters with Chebychev Passband Amplitude Response Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7903 Theoretical study of absorbed solar energy in multilayer absorber coatings for receivers of solar concentrators-part H-heat transfer analysis 1980
7904 An Estimate of Surface Roughness -CLA Produced by Grinding First Int 1980
7905 Study of the effect of the initial size and energy consumed in the process of grinding on the new surface area for various types of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7906 نتائج تحاليل المرحلة الأولى لاختيار السياسات المثلى لصيانة شبكة الطرق المرصوفة بالدلتا Civil Engineering Department 1980
7907 The Use of Pade' Approximants in the Derivation of Distribute Lowpass Filters with Simulatenous Amplitude & Delay Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7908 Study of the relation between relaive incremental energy and produced surtace area per unit energy consumption Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7909 Flangless closure connections using plugs with tapered skirts 1980
7910 Discussion Contribution on Finite Element Solution for Electric Fields of Coronating dc Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1979