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# Title Department Research Year
7901 Effect of initial size of the feed and rock toughnesson the consumed energy to change surface area and shape of the poroduced partiles Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7902 Monopolar Corona on Bundle Conductors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7903 Influence of Dressing Feed of a Single Point Diamond Dresser on The Grinding Wheel Surface Topography and Its Performance 1982
7904 The Supersonic Flow Through The Exhaust Valve of I.C.E 1982
7905 Application of the probability theory for determining the effect of hardness of rocks on the statistical parameters of size distribution for different ball to ore ratios at constant time of grinding Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7906 2 D Digital Filters with Guaranteed Stability Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7907 Phase-Frequency Approximation in System Model Reduction Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7908 Discussion on paper No. 82 WM 1985-6, IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-101, p. 4047, 1982 Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7909 An Attempt to Design Centrifugal Pumps by Optimization Procedure, Based on Some Emperical Formula for Losses 1982
7910 The simplification of linear discrete-time systems by model-following methods Electrical Engineering Department 1981