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# Title Department Research Year
7931 Effect of Polarity on the Breakdown Voltage of Gas Gaps Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7932 Study of the effect of the initial size and energy consumed in the process of grinding on the new surface area for various types of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7933 Deep- Drawing of Conical Headed Shells into a High Pressure Medium 1980
7934 Vibration Characteristics of Hollow Cross- Section Cantilever Beams With Various Tapers 1980
7935 Workshop technology 1980
7936 Study of the relation between relaive incremental energy and produced surtace area per unit energy consumption Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7937 Effect of off-south orientation on optimum tilt angle for maximum solar energy absorbed by flat collector augmented by plane reflector 1980
7938 Deep drawing if Semi-conical headed shells into a high pressure medium 1980
7939 Contact time distribution in fluidized-bed reactors part I:Measurements at room and higher temperatures Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7940 Study of the relation between energy consamed in the process of comminution and produced surface area at different intial sizes for different types of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980