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# Title Department Research Year
7901 Selective Precision Synthesis of Function Generation Mechanisms Using Optimum Diads 1982
7902 النتائج النهائية لتحليل شبكة الطرق بالدلتا ( 4665 كم ) لاختيار السياسات المثلى لصيانة الطرق Civil Engineering Department 1982
7903 DC ancl Pulse Components of Positive Corona Current from Two Interacting Needles in Air Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7904 Selective Precision Synthesis of Path and Motion Generation Mechanisms Using Optimum Diads 1982
7905 تأخيرات المرور على بعض الشرايين الهامة بالقاهرة Civil Engineering Department 1982
7906 Environmental Impact of HVDC Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7907 Stress distribution around two parallel drifts intersected by a cross-cut Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7908 せん断補強鉄筋のないはりのせん断疲労強度 Civil Engineering Department 1982
7909 " Study of the Characteristics of Venturi- Flumes Civil Engineering Department 1982
7910 Study of the effect of energy consumed in the process of grinding . intial sige of feed and comp. Strength of rocks on the fineness ratio Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982