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# Title Department Research Year
7871 Effect of voreter finder-diameter on the distribution of solid/liquid ratio within ahydrocyclone Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7872 Determination of the rock deformation in the roof of mining stopes Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1983
7873 Study of the effect of energy consumed in the process of grinding . intial sige of feed and comp. Strength of rocks on the fineness ratio Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7874 Stress distribution around two parallel drifts intersected by a cross-cut Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7875 تأخيرات المرور على بعض الشرايين الهامة بالقاهرة Civil Engineering Department 1982
7876 Discussion on paper No. 82 WM 1985-6, IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-101, p. 4047, 1982 Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7877 Selective Precision Synthesis of Cycloidal Crank Mechanisms Using Optimum Triads 1982
7878 Numerical Analysis of Solid Particle Distribution in Centrifugal Pump Volutes

7879 " Study of the Characteristics of Venturi- Flumes Civil Engineering Department 1982
7880 Application of the probabitity theory in the study of the effect of the time of grinding on the size distribution Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982