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# Title Department Research Year
7931 Study of mechanics of cutting in dry sand 1979
7932 On the Computation of Lifting Voltages for Free Conducting Particles in Compressed SF6 Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7933 Die Vorent1adungatabilisirte Durschltagsspannung in Luff und Sf Electrical Engineering Department 1978
7934 On the Breakdown Mechanism in Unifoml and Nonuniform Fields Electrical Engineering Department 1978
7935 Stress concentration at the intersection of two mine openings Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1978
7936 تطبيق نموذج التكلفة الاقتصادي لتقييم الإنفاق على صيانة شبكة الطرق بالدلتا Civil Engineering Department 1978
7937 Digital Study Heat Flow Closely Spaced Underground Power Transmission Cables Using Simulation Technique Electrical Engineering Department 1978
7938 Digital Study ofT-leat Flow for Closely Spaced-Underground Power Transmission Cables Using Simulation Technique Electrical Engineering Department 1978
7939 Calcination of phosphate rock: in a fluidized bed furnace: effect of some design variables Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1978
7940 معايرة النموذج الرياضي الخاص بانهيار طبقة الرصف السطحية ليلاءم الظروف البيئية في مصر Civil Engineering Department 1978