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# Title Department Research Year
7891 قاعدة البيانات الأساسية والتي تتطلبها الدراسة القومية للنقل في الدول النامية Civil Engineering Department 1982
7892 Monopolar Corona on Bundle Conductors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7893 The Application of Opto-couplers in Inductor Simulation Circuits Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7894 Application of the probability theory for determining the effect of hardness of rocks on the statistical parameters of size distribution for different ball to ore ratios at constant time of grinding Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7895 Monopolar Corona on Bundle Conductors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7896 An Attempt to Design Centrifugal Pumps by Optimization Procedure, Based on Some Emperical Formula for Losses 1982
7897 Monopolar Corona on Bundle Conductors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7898 تأثير السياسات المختلفة لصيانة أساطيل نقل الركاب بين المدن على تواجدها للخدمة Civil Engineering Department 1981
7899 Production of Double -Well Tubes By Cold Extrusion The Int 1981
7900 Phase Frequency Approximating in System Model Reduction Electrical Engineering Department 1981