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# Title Department Research Year
7931 スターラップを有する鉄筋コンクリートはりのせん断疲労性状 Civil Engineering Department 1981
7932 El-Sayed et al.," Use of Sheath Helix Slow-Wave Structure as an Applicator in Microwave Heating Systems" 1981 Electrical Engineering Department 1981
7933 Deep- Drawing of Hemispherical Headed Shells into a High Pressure Medium, Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production 1981
7934 The use of model following methods to simplify linear systems Electrical Engineering Department 1981
7935 Investigation the processes of mixture formation, ignition and combustion of gaseous fuels in the furnaces of steam generators 1981
7936 Suboptimal Control of Linear Systems for Improved System Responses Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7937 تكاليف الاستهلاكات لتشغيل المركبات على الطر ق في مصر Civil Engineering Department 1980
7938 Rate of growth of surface area and itinial size of feed as controlling factor for the determination of the time necessary for grinding in vertical stamp mill Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7939 Time Harmonics and Their Effects ON The Behaviour of The A.C. Asynchronous Tachometer With Drag Cup Rotor Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7940 Theoretical study of absorbed solar energy in multilayer absorber coatings for receivers of solar concentrators-part H-heat transfer analysis 1980