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# Title Department Research Year
7871 Tiefzichen Konischer Halborper in einem Hochdruckmedium 1980
7872 تكاليف الاستهلاكات لتشغيل المركبات على الطر ق في مصر Civil Engineering Department 1980
7873 On the Environmental Effect; of HV Transmission Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7874 Effect of off-south orientation on optimum tilt angle for maximum solar energy absorbed by flat collector augmented by plane reflector 1980
7875 نتائج تحاليل المرحلة الأولى لاختيار السياسات المثلى لصيانة شبكة الطرق المرصوفة بالدلتا Civil Engineering Department 1980
7876 Location of Partial Discharges in Power Transformers by Computation and Measurements of Capacitively Transmitted Voltage Pulses Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7877 Shear design of reinforced concrete beams for static and moving loads Civil Engineering Department 1979
7878 The Effect of Intersymbol Interference on the Choice of Signal Constellations in 8-ary Combined Amplitude and Phase Modulation systems Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7879 Transfer Functions with Arbitrary Phase Characteristics Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7880 Shear design of reinforced concrete beams for static and repeated loads Civil Engineering Department 1979