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# Title Department Research Year
7941 Unsteady Viscous Heating in Circular Flow Between Moving Surfaces 1980
7942 Study of the relation between energy consamed in the process of comminution and produced surface area at different intial sizes for different types of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7943 Optima1 Speed Contro1 of a Thuristorized D.C. Motor Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7944 Contact time distribution in fluidized-bed reactors part I:Measurements at room and higher temperatures Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7945 Time Harmonics and Their Effects ON The Behaviour of The A.C. Asynchronous Tachometer With Drag Cup Rotor Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7946 Vibration Characteristics of Tapered Cantilever Beams With Various Tapers and Different Solid Cross-Sections 1980
7947 An Investigation Into The Effect of Artificial Flank Waer Land On The Plastic Deformation Zone In Metal Cutting 1980
7948 Study of the effect of toughness and comp . strergth of rocks on the produced surface area and relative growth of surface area Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7949 Optimal Speed Control of a Thyristorized D.C. Motor in Industria1 App1ications Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7950 Contact time distribution in fluidized-bed reactors part II: Application of mathematical models and parameter estimation Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980