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# Title Department Research Year
7931 Electric Field and Ion Current at the Ground and Voltage of Charged Objects Under HVDC Lines Electrical Engineering Department 1981
7932 Deep- Drawing of Hemispherical Headed Shells into a High Pressure Medium, Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production 1981
7933 تأثير السياسات المختلفة لصيانة أساطيل نقل الركاب بين المدن على تواجدها للخدمة Civil Engineering Department 1981
7934 Investigation the processes of mixture formation, ignition and combustion of gaseous fuels in the furnaces of steam generators 1981
7935 Rate of growth of surface area and itinial size of feed as controlling factor for the determination of the time necessary for grinding in vertical stamp mill Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7936 Optima1 Speed Contro1 of a Thuristorized D.C. Motor Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7937 Theoretical study of absorbed solar energy in multilayer absorber coatings for receivers of solar concentrators-part H-heat transfer analysis 1980
7938 Optimal Speed Control of a Thyristorized D.C. Motor in Industria1 App1ications Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7939 An Investigation Into The Unusually High Specific Energy in Grinding First Int 1980
7940 Flangless closure connections using plugs with tapered skirts 1980