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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

We are keen on Keeping our graduates updated with what is new in technology; our ultimate goal is to engage them in the fourth industrial ‘technological’ revolution. Thus, we regularly hold a number of effective seminars, camps, training, workshops, and events. And here is an example of our latest ones.

For the fourth year students CScompiler theory midterm exam for d / Tarek Mourad will be held on Thursday, 11/28/2013 at 9:11 runway (1a)
For the fourth year students IS Midterm exam for Web Information Systems  for dr / Najwa Mohamed will be held on Saturday, 16 /11/2013 as follows:    · Theoretical exam from 9: 11  (amphitheatre 4, 5…
For first year students Mathematics midterm exam for  dr/ Osama Rashid will be held on Thursday approved 21/11/2013 at 10: 12 examination halls garage (1) in front of the College of Engineering
Students who wish to participate in the Opening of the Forum of self seminars and Panorama held on the sidelines of the forum approach to manage the care of young people to register their names
For the fourth year students ITMidterm exam for Analysis and design of computer networks for d / Najwa Mohamed will be held on Saturday, 16.11.2013 of time (11.30: 1.30) and runway 3 (a) college
Second year students Complex section  for technical reports Will be given on Thursday, 07/11/2013 at 11: 1 runway (3) college sections (3, 4, 9, 10) Instead of sections On Tuesday, 05/11/2013
For the third year studentsMidterm exam for material analysis and design of algorithms for d / Ahmed Abu Bakr will be held on Saturday, 16/11/2013 from 8.30: 10.30 at 1, 2, 3 faculty amphitheatre.
Second year studentsMidterm exam for data structures for dr / Ahmed Abu Bakr will be held on Wednesday, 20/11/2013 from 8.30: 10.30 exam halls garage (1) in front of the College of Engineering
For first year studentsThere is evidence the student credit hours system Prof. office and Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs For students to go to the Office of speed to get this directory.
Announces sports activityThe establishment of tennis leagueThose who are interested in participatingGo to the Youth Welfare Department, Faculty of Computing and information to register his name Note…
For all college studentsThose who wish to reserve a memorandum exam in previous years to go to the office of Mr. Professor and Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs to the speed of booking and…
For first year studentsLecture will be given to the Islamic culture for   Prof. Dr. / Moatamed on Monday from 4 : 5 instead of Thursday, from 9:10