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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

We are keen on Keeping our graduates updated with what is new in technology; our ultimate goal is to engage them in the fourth industrial ‘technological’ revolution. Thus, we regularly hold a number of effective seminars, camps, training, workshops, and events. And here is an example of our latest ones.

The information security exam will be held by Dr. Islam Taj Aldin on Tuesday, 28/3/2017 at 12:11 in the (4, 5)
For third year students (old list)An additional lecture will be given on the subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Prof. Dr. Marghany on Sunday from 8: 10 in the College's 2A
For fourth and fourth year students oldWeb Programming exam will be held by Dr. Islam Taj Aldin on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, from 3: 2 in the College of Technology (3A)
"General call" An invitation from researcher/Reem Mahmoud computer science Department to attend a seminar of a proposal research titled: "A Hybrid System for Security data Communication"   on…
MSP Tech Club Assiut University
For fourth and fourth year students old E-commerce exam will be held by Dr. Islam Taj Aldin on Monday 27/3/2017 from 4: 3 in the (2, 3 and 4)
"General call" An invitation from researcher/Khadija Mohammed Abdul-Zaher computer science Department to attend a seminar of a proposal research titled: Steganography Using Evolutionary Algorithms…
"General call" An invitation from researcher/Sarah Jalal Mohammed Ibrahim Information Systems Department to attend a seminar of a proposal research titled: "Drift Detection In Process Mining"   on…
For students of the fourth level (cs) Compilers Lecture for Dr. / Mamdouh Farouk will give on Tuesday 12/6/2016 a runway 1 from 10:12 pm.
InvitationInformation Systems Department    About the final seminar of the Master's thesisThe researcher / Soha Abdel-Momen, Assistant Department of Information Systems Under the title     "…
The ICT Career Promotion Campaign
winsoft Employment session