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Mobile Applications and Semantic-Web A case study on Automated Course Management

Research Authors
M. Samir Abou El-Seoud, Hosam F. El-Sofany, Islam A.T.F. Taj-Eddin
Research Department
Research Journal
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM),DOI:10.3991/ijim.v10i3.5770
Research Rank
Research Publisher
International Association of Online Engineering
Research Vol
Volume 10, Issue 3
Research Website
Research Year
pp. 42-53
Research Abstract

Different types of e-assessment systems that are recognized at universities and based on the campus wireless have been developed. These systems help the students to use their Mobile Phones as learning media to access the information more easily from anywhere and at any time. Seppala and Alamaki developed a mobile learning project for teacher training. Their study compared the effectiveness of internet, face-to-face and mobile based instructions. Al Masri
has proposed a study to compare the effective strategy in paper-based assessment with mobile-based assessment for assessing university students in English literature. It has been found that students gained better scores in mobile phone-based test than in paper-based test. This paper aims to determine and measure the effects of mobile-based assessments
on the perception, achievement levels and performance
of the students in internet-assisted courses. The
main functionalities and features of this paper are:
Knowledge evaluation, automatic generation of exams, exam grading, communication, course management, and questions-bank database.