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Postgraduate Research Funding

Mechanisms for applying a faculty member to obtain research funding

Conditions for applying:

  •  The principal investigator must be a faculty member at the Faculty of Computers and Information - Assiut University.
  • The department to which the principal investigator belongs must have research plans approved by the college administration.
  • The research submitted should be a master's or doctoral thesis for the student affiliated with the department and obtained the approval of the department council of the college
  • A faculty member may not have access to more than two projects in one year.
  • Funding for research for a master’s thesis does not exceed 5,000 Egyptian pounds, and research funding for a doctoral thesis is more than 20,000 Egyptian pounds. Otherwise, the required budget is determined, provided that the funding is for devices that the student needs in conducting this research.

Progress Mechanisms -:

  •  Faculty members who wish to obtain funding for scientific research related to a master's or doctoral thesis must submit the idea of ​​this research in the attached form, and the principal investigator submits this form according to the above-mentioned rules to the Faculty Research Evaluation Committee.
  • Observe ethical and research controls.
  • Preferred research related to community service and finding solutions to current problems in the country.
  •  The project is sent to three members of the faculty in the college or outside it, provided that one of them is in the committee in charge of evaluating the research in addition to another member from outside the committee and a member from the specialization submitted to obtain funding. The researcher receiving the funding will sign the contract.
  • The applicant is required to report every six months on the progress of the project and undertake to publish the results of the research as indicated in paragraph five of the application form.
  • Submission for these projects will take place twice in the academic year, in November and May.


  1.  Scholarship evaluation form
  2.  Search Request Form