In 2020, Assuit University Heart Hospital succeeded in receiving 12,330 cases, including 655 cardiac emergencies, 90 cardiothoracic surgery emergencies, 6437 cardiology intensive care, 648 pediatric cardiology intensive care, 1837 critical care cardiothoracic surgery, 1317 cardiology moderate care, and 1346 Intermediate Care Cardio Thoracic Surgery. As for the surgeries and cardiac catheters that were performed in the hospital during the year 2020, it amounted to 2933 operations by 2277 of various cardiac catheters, between diagnostic, emergency and therapeutic interventions on the coronary heart arteries, the installation of pacemakers, the expansion of heart valves, the work of cardiac electrophysiology, cauterization, and the repair of congenital heart defects. And performed 656 various heart and chest surgeries, including open heart for children to repair simple congenital defects and complex congenital defects, and open heart to make connections and bridges on coronary heart arteries, and change heart valves, in addition to chest surgeries, laparoscopic thoracic surgeries, exploratory thoracoscopy and extraction of foreign bodies. and installation of chest tubes. With regard to medical examinations and tests, there were 66836 examinations and radiographs, including 1542 multi-section rays, 2409 ultrasound rays on the heart, 217 ultrasound scans of the heart through the esophagus, 147 magnetic resonance, 262 stress EKG, 2132 normal rays on the heart and chest, and 89 installations. Holter device 24 and Holter device 56 installation 48 hours. In terms of the hospital’s outpatient clinics and their statistics during the year 2020, it received 20629 cases, of which 5131 were in the general cardiology clinic, 1799 in the cardiovascular diseases and stroke clinic, 1558 emergency reception clinics, 986 heart disorders clinics and organizations, 672 valvular and fluidity clinics, and 29 diseases clinics Pediatric cardiology, 656 adult cardiac and thoracic surgery clinics, 1018 pediatric cardiac and thoracic surgery clinics, and 8068 treatment clinics at state expense.