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Assiut University President with the American University of Louisville to create joint degrees in medical engineering

Assiut University President, Prof. Tarek El-Gammal, revealed that he signed a joint cooperation agreement with the Louisville University, Kentucky, in the beginning of his visit to the United States of America, which takes several days. The President of Assiut University stated that the cooperation agreement aims to offer joint scientific degrees including masters and doctorates in the field of medical engineering, a science that has been recently developed at Assiut University, aiming to integrate and cooperate with the medical fields in all fields in general and in the areas of diagnostic and treatment services and the development of technological programs as well as medical equipments. Prof. Tarek El-Gammal stated that the cooperation agreement with the University of Louisville came during his expanded meeting with Dr. Nelly Pinda Boody, the University President, Dr. Beth Bohum, Vice President of the University, and Dr. Emmanuel Collins, Dean of the College of Engineering, noting that he praised the status of the University of Louisville, which is considered one of the pioneering universities in the United States of America in scientific research, especially in the field of transitional research that works to apply scientific research in the technological field. The administration of Louisville University also welcomed its cooperation with Assiut University and opened a new fields of joint action between the two parties.