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Technological Brooder Hemmah Opens its First Competition: "Hakthon Watering of the South in the Presence of a Number of Young Discoverers

Under the auspices of Prof. Ahmed A. Gaeis, Assiut University President and Eng. Yasser El-Desouky, Governor of Assiut, the competition "Hakthon, Watering of the South," starts on Thursday. Eng. Mohamed Yasine, Director of the Technological Brooder "Hammah," announced the start of the competition organized by the Technology Transfer Unit and is planned to continue for a month. Participants included a number of young innovators and the event was attended by Dr. Wael Khairallah, Director of the Technology Transfer Unit. The competition is the first of its kind in the field of agriculture and environment aiming at the introduction ideas of young discoverers in the fields of food productions and agricultural and environmental solutions to be applied in practical life.