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Kicks off the fourth meeting brands for quality education colleges and Fine Arts At the level of Upper Egypt to the quality of Assiut Tuesday 02/04/2013

Within the framework of student activities under the auspices of Prof. Dr. / Mostafa Mohammad Kamal President of Assiut University and Prof. Dr. / Adel Ryan, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Professor / Mansour Mansi Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University Launched to meet brands Fourth colleges of education quality and fine arts at the level Egypt Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University and organized by the Department of Youth Welfare and Student Union Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University on the ground Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. / Osama Mohammed Mahmoud - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and gentlemen advisor Student Activities and Mrs. / Ibtisam Kamal Mohammed - Director General Manager Youth Welfare faculty and gentlemen officials activities management youth care and student / Jihad Abdel Moneim Hamed - President Students Union Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University and the student / good Hamdy on - Vice President of the Union College students as part of about two hundred (200) students and students from the Faculties of Education Quality Qena and Assiut in the activities of the meeting (cultural activity - sports activity - Art Activity - social activity - prisoners activity - Activity phones and public service - scientific and technological activity) and prizes will be awarded in each distinct activity. The opening ceremony looked meeting Btabor display of colleges participating In his opening emphasized Prof. Dr. / Mansour Mansi - Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education - Assiut University on the importance of student activities, which play a major role in contributing to the preparation of students culturally and scientifically, which is part of the mission of the College, which aims to prepare specialized teachers and practitioners qualified in the fields of music education and arts education and home economics and highly trained on the skills required in the field of specialization with a keen college to communicate with all colleges corresponding in Egyptian universities For his part, Dr. / Osama Mohammed Mahmoud - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs on what achieved forums student in the field of activities of a role in the refinement of personal students and develop their talents and to highlight their abilities and allow them to networking opportunities social, cognitive and cultural through their participation in the activities of the meeting different and the price dearly role Assiut University and its leadership conscious for their continued support of student activities at the university level in general and on the college level Education quality in particular, and also gave thanks and appreciation to the management college and on her head a. d / Mansour Mansi Dean for his support and follow-ups permanent activities of the College, and confirmed a. d / Ahmed Ali Osman and Faculty of Specific Education for Graduate Studies and Research University - QNA that the idea of ​​holding student forums and scientific is a bridge of scientific and cultural cooperation, which can all provinces of Egypt University of highlighting examples of heritage and history And cultures accumulated and social aspects which achieves joined cultures and knowledge For his part, said Dr. / Amr Abdel Kader teacher Department of Art Education - Faculty of Specific Education - South Valley University that South Valley University is keen to communicate between universities it serves openness to all the latest scientific and cultural pointing out that the University South Valley unforgettable it was a branch of the University of Assiut mother with its long history and talked student / Jihad Abdel Moneim Hamed - President Student Union Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University, also spoke student / good Hamdy on - Vice President of the Union College students expressing their importance Student Activities to highlight the talents and capabilities and achieve greater knowledge and communicate with fellow students from different universities and following the events began opening the meeting in the various competitions included in the forum's program.                                                                                                   Follow-up and documentation of official media college                                                                                           Depends,,, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs Dean        A. D. Osama Mohammed Mahmoud a. D. Mansour Mansi