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In The framework of the activities of Education Development Center in improving the system of evaluating the university student, the Center organized a symposium dealt with the objective aspects in…
For the first time, Assiut University offers a service to the secondary school students, where the Centre for Public Service in Faculty of Education, organizes training courses for the secondary…
Prof. Moustafa Kamal, President of Assiut University, made an inspecting tour in the first day of the second semester exams, which including more than 70 thousand students in 16 colleges, accompanied…
The highest university committee for facing virus C in Upper Egypt held its first meeting with its president Prof. Mustafa Kamal, president of Assiut University to discuss the main points of their…
Prof. Moustafa Kamal, the President of Assiut University, returned from Moscow, where participated in the conference of "Economics & Management of Water in the Arab and African World". Assiut…
70 Thousand Students in 16 Faculties of Assiut University will start the second semester exams on 12 June. Prof. Moustafa Kamal, the President of the University stated that the university took all…
Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime Minister, issued a decision of appointing Prof. Ahmed Abdo Ahmed Abd el Hafiz Geaies as a Vice-President of Assiut University for Community Services and Environmental…
Assiut University celebrated the pioneers’ day in which Prof. Mustafa Kamal honored 72 from the university staff members and 103 from the university chief officers who retired in 2009.
The Geology department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, participates in “The Project of Technology Management and Complete Modeling of Natural Resources”. The project is financed by the…
Throughout two days, Assiut University witnessed the activities of the fourth annual conference of the Egyptian Association of Viral Hepatitis (EAVH) in collaboration with the Egyptian Association…
Faculty of Specific Education celebrated graduation of new class of its different departments under the auspices of Prof. Moustafa Mohamed Kamal, the President of the…
A Symposium in Assiut University Reveals: • The Rate of Infecting from Virus C is 12% in Egypt • All the Efforts were Directed to Treatment not to Restrict the Disease…
Displaying 1765 - 1776 of 1821