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National TEPUS Office
4th Annual Conference of Assiut Clinical Oncology Department
Computer Consulting Center at the Faculty of Computer and Information Announced  for Cisco courses
Computer Consulting Center announced the start of booking for the course for the kids on holiday of midterm
The libraray committee of the faculty accepted the book donation offered by ProfessorMuhammad Ragae El-tahlawy- tenured professor in mining and metallurgicalengineering department- which includes…
Faculty of Education in the New Valley congratulates all the respectable members of Asyut University, the honorable Rector,the employees, students and the Egyptian citizens on the holy birth of…
Quran Competition The Association of Sahwa to the development of the student community and their families And Royaa family Assiut University To announce a competition for the Holy Quran in four…
  يسر أسرة كلية الطب جامعة أسيوط أن تتقدم بخالص التهنئة للسيد الأستاذ الدكتور/ عمر ممدوح شعبان الأستاذ المساعد بقسم التوليد وأمراض النساء لحصوله على جائزة الأستاذ الدكتور/ سليمان حزين للتفوق…
  يسر أسرة كلية الطب جامعة أسيوط أن تتقدم بخالص التهنئة للسيد الدكتور/ محمد مصطفى قطب المدرس بقسم جراحة العظام   لحصوله على جائزة الأستاذ الدكتور/ جلال الدين زكي سعيد لأحسن بحث بقسم جراحة العظام…
Computer Consulting Center in the College of Computer and Information announced  needs to marketing staff to market the center's programs as well as training courses inside and outside the…
Displaying 1705 - 1716 of 1979