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# Title Research Department Research Year
14176 Urinary nephrin and alpha one microglobulin as early renal injury biomarkers in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Internal Medicine
14177 Tramadol and Premature Ejaculation Department of Pharmacology
14178 Amoebiasis in Active Ulcerative Colitis: Epidemiological Aspects, Association and Impact Of Anti-Amoebic Therapy on Disease Severity Department of Gastroenterology and Tropical Medicine
14179 Can metformin modulate the retinal degenerative changes in a rat model Department of Histology
14180 Relation between internet gaming addiction and comorbid psychiatric disorders and emotion avoidance among adolescents: A cross-sectional study Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
14181 The frequency and impact of tramadol addiction on acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: cross-sectional multicenter study Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
14182 The effect of dexmedetomidine versus propofol in traumatic brain injury evaluation of some hemodynamic and intracranial pressure changes Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14183 Impact of Magnesium and Ferritin Deficiency on Depression Among Adolescent Students Family Medicine
14184 Endovascular Management of Central Venous Stenosis in Haemodialysis Patients Department of vascular surgery