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# Title Research Department Research Year
14194 Clinical audit of neonatal care in Assiut Women's Health Hospital, Egypt Department of Pediatrics
14195 Role of titanium mesh as a reconstruction material for orbital floor defects in cases of orbital blowout trauma‏ Department of General Surgery
14196 An in vitro and in-vivo study of some biological and biochemical effects of Sistrurus malarius barbouri crude venom Department of Pharmacology
14197 Inhibition of the hepatic glucose output is responsible for the hypoglycemic effect of Crataegus aronia against type 2 diabetes mellitus in rats Department of Medical Physiology
14198 Re-audit of upper endoscopy in Assiut University Hospital Department of Gastroenterology and Tropical Medicine
14199 Predicting bevacizumab efficacy in mTNBC Department of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine
14200 Expression of aberrant markers in acute leukemia at South Egypt Cancer Institute: A retrospective study Department of Clinical Pathology
14201 Quantitative Evaluation of Lobar Pulmonary Function of Emphysema Patients with Endobronchial Coils Department of Chest Diseases
14202 Edaphic and climatic factors influence on the distribution of soil transmitted helminths in Kogi East, Nigeria. Department of Microbiology and Immunology