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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
14248 Map of some inborn errors of metabolism in Upper Egypt: Metabolic and Genetic Disorders' unit, ten years’ experience‏ قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
14249 Eosinophilic cationic protein as a marker for detection of acute exacerbationc of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease قسم الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية
14250 Functional and Structural Study on the Effect of Curcumin on Folic Acid-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Albino Rats قسم الفسيولوجيا الطبية
14251 Employees Knowledge about Glaucoma at Assiut University Employees قسم طب وجراحة العيون
14252 Suppression effect of thyme and carvacrol nano-emulsions on Aspergillus fumigatus isolated from patients in the intensive care unit of Assiut قسم التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الألم
14253 A study of the effect of lidocaine and carbamazepine on ototacoustic emmission in tinnitus patients. قسم الأذن و الأنف و الحنجرة
14254 Assessment of Nursing Practice Regarding Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia قسم طب الأطفال
14255 Effect of long-term administration of clonazepam, carbamazepine, and valproate on cognitive, psychological, and personality changes in adult epilepsy: a case–control study قسم الأمراض العصبية والنفسية
14256 Surgical hip dislocation in fixation of acetabular fractures: extended indications and outcome قسم جراحة العظام والكسور