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# Title Research Department Research Year
12421 Lithium chloride-induced cardiovascular changes in rabbits are mediated by adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channel. Department of Pharmacology 1999
12422 Plasma Markers of Endothelial Cell Dysfunction and Acute Phase Reactants in Children with Type 1(Insulin Dependent) Diabetes Mellitus Department of Pediatrics 1999
12423 35. Three Steps Management of Irreducible Complete Precedentia Complicated by Vesicle Calculi-Gynecology. Case Report Department of Urology 1999
12424 Some international approaches to aminoglycoside monitoring in the extended dosing interval era. Department of Pharmacology 1999
12425 Use of intramuscular anti-D. immunoglobulin and therabeutic plasma exchange in treatment of refractory chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Internal Medicine 1999
12426 Elevated prolactin hormone secretion in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis. Department of Clinical Pathology 1999
12427 MPC-1- CD49e- immature myeloma cells included CD45+ subpopulations that can proliferate in response to IL-6 in human myelomas. Department of Clinical Pathology 1999
12428 Prognostic Significance of Visual Evoked Potential in Glaucoma with Dense Cataract.
الأهمية الإكلينيكية لرسام المنطقة البصرية للمخ (بواسطة قياس الجهد البصري المستثار) فى حالات المياه الزرقاء والمصحوبة بمياه شديدة العتامة.
Department of Ophthalmology 1999
12429 Differentiation between primary and secondry lymphomas of the lacrimal gland :A guide for innocuous management Department of Ophthalmology 1999