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# Title Research Department Research Year
12619 The use of Propofol in Cases of Vesicular Mole. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1997
12620 دارسة مستوى بروتين "إس" وبروتين "س" ومضادات الدهون القلبية كعوامل مؤثرة فى مرضى السده المخية متوسطى العمر. Department of Clinical Pathology 1997
12621 Biomechanik von Femurverriegelungsnägeln im Knochen-Implantat-Verbund. Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 1997
12622 Hepatic Viral Disease Complicating Schistosoma Gaematobium Infection Impact On Lymphoctes Phenotypic Profile. Department of Clinical Pathology 1997
12623 Effect of epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs on cognitive function, P2 and P3 components in newly diagnosed epilepsies. Department of Pharmacology 1997
12624 Methacholine bronchial responsiveness in asthmatics and patients with chronic rhinosinus diseases Department of Chest Diseases 1997
12625 Peripheral neuropathy in burn patients. Department of Neurology and Psychiatry 1997
12626 Association Between Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection And Diabetes Mellitus In Egyptian Patients Internal Medicine 1997
12627 Optimization of antiepileptic drug therapy through measurement of plasma level of antiepileptic drugs (AEDS). Department of Pharmacology 1997